Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Double Fifth Festival.

Happy Double Fifth Festival! 端午节快乐! 

Credits from: Orson Zhang 张皓宸

云游而远去, 心却系故里。端午节也称诗人节, 端午安康!


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Time Raiders 盗墓笔记 (电影)







天地洪荒 举目无光
风来雪又往 此消彼长
兵荒马乱 星落云散
当断不断 情迷意乱
正是末法时代 听礼崩乐坏
再无人呐喊 再无人感叹
夸父逐日 后羿射日
不问起始 不知廉耻
海誓山盟 黄粱一梦
翩翩惊鸿 转眼成空
正是末法时代 听礼崩乐坏
亲手刃信仰 病已入膏肓
嗜血的野狼 不过迷途羔羊
紧握著尖刀 寻找解药
正是末法时代 听礼崩乐坏 谁能置身事外
再无人呐喊 再无人感叹 拔剑四顾心茫然
正是末法时代 听礼崩乐坏 谁能抽身离开
亲手刃信仰 病已入膏肓 还有什么值得仰望



Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Mystic Nine 老九门












“如果没有遇见你,我可能至今未娶,还是个翩翩公子,不知情为何物。我陪你,陪你千秋万代,陪你亘古亘今。原来这一切,竟然都是黄粱一梦,原本以为,我可以有幸与她白头偕老,人生百年,不过如此。” -二月红《老九门》






望乡台上想看又不忍看的归依, 黄泉路上想放又放不下的回忆。我不怕死, 唯怕你伤心, 怕世间多风雨, 怕无人知你惜你。此生无所恨, 唯恨负情深。下辈子, 我来认你。






由张艺兴续演二月红,讲述红府当家人传奇故事的《二月花开》为《老九门》番外的开篇之作。由于二爷高超的唱戏技能,其海报最重要的元素则是一顶精致亮丽的淡粉色霞冠,镶嵌的珍珠晶莹剔透,底部圆形的暗褐色图腾则隐隐暗示着墓下惊险万分的氛围,一明一暗的色彩对比,形成强烈的视觉冲击。 “铅华洗净,弱水三千取一瓢”,该台词则透露出二月红重情重义的一面,对爱妻丫头的宠溺简直是行走的狗粮,这次亲自带队下墓,对其手下的红府人也是照顾有加。






霍锦惜篇的概念海报中一双雕花对剑交叠放置,锋利的剑刃寒光闪闪,揭示霍三娘在番外中也会一展身手。同时,飘零的淡粉色花瓣看似与凄凉抑郁的画面不符,实则寓意九门之中唯一女性当家的温柔细腻。 “美人何丽芙蓉面,质傲香含露芳华”正是彰显了霍三娘性感美艳却又决绝冷血的性格特征和神秘魅力。 《恒河杀树》为《老九门》番外的末篇,讲述王美人饰演的霍三娘继任掌门之前的曲折经历。







打开 地狱的大门
不请自来 贪欲念
无常路上 买命钱
是生是畜 黄泉见

还魂门前 许个愿
不要相约 来世见
盗不到的 叫永远
解不开的 是心门

最美的是 遗言
最丑的是 誓言
那些无法 的改变
就在放下 举起间

最假的是 眼泪
最真的看 不见
那些无法 的改变
就在放下 举起间

(将军啊 早卸甲 他还在廿二等你回家)










君啊 江湖从此离

君啊 江湖从此

初春时几 君识你那笑意
在夏末里 优伶海棠一曲

深秋季 你我从此陌路两立
归罢 悔罢





Friday, May 19, 2017









Wednesday, May 10, 2017


There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb


Only You "13 Reasons Why" - Selena Gomez // Cover by Phyllis Lim

Everyone is watching this on Netflix, haven't got a chance to watch it yet but I'm a big fan of the song!

"Only You", a song from the popular Netflix series, "13 Reasons Why". If the person they are complicated with would have just stayed and loved them then he or she would have stayed.

First heard and fall in love with it immediately and told myself that I have to cover this song! Hope you like my version of "Only You"! Please show me your love and support, give me a thumbs up, share and subscribe! More music covers coming soon!

Love, PLSY.

All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
And all I ever knew
Only you



Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Space Between Us

Wanted to watch this for so long since last year and finally I'm watching this.

Gardner Elliot, the first human born on Mars, begins an online friendship with Tulsa, a teen in Colorado. On his maiden voyage to Earth, the 16-year-old finally gets to experience all the joys and wonders of a world he could only read about. Problems arise when scientists discover that Gardner's organs can't withstand the atmosphere. United with Tulsa and on the run, the interplanetary visitor races against time to unravel the mysteries of how he came to be, and where he belongs in the universe.

Seriously, I was so shocked about the giving birth on Mars thing, like wow, I was so impressed. But of course the scene was so sad when Sarah Elliot died after gave birth to Gardner.

Asa Butterfield as Gardner Elliot, 16 years later, he has grown into an inquisitive, highly intelligent boy who has only ever met 14 people in his very unconventional upbringing. One day, in order to find out more about his mother, he hacks into Centaur, a robot he helped build, to gain access to the ship's storage. There, he retrieves his mother's items. Among them a wedding ring and a USB drive, from which he plays a video of her and a man in a beach house. Convinced that the man is his father, he becomes determined to find him. Gardner wanted to return to Earth but his body contains dangerously high levels of troponin, meaning that he has an enlarged heart. His heart is unable to stand Earth's atmospheric pressure, and so Gardner must be stayed on Mars if he wants to survive.

Britt Robertson as Tulsa, where Gardner has struck up an online relationship with, a street smart girl from Colorado who is constantly being shuffled from one foster home to the next. 

What I don't like was Gardner and Tulsa as couple, 'cause Asa Butterfield looks kinda young compare with Britt Robertson.

Next, I don't like the part where in the end Nathaniel suddenly turned out as Gardner's biological father, it's just like in a sudden and I just feel so weird.

Last but not least, I thought Gardner will end up living on Earth like maybe they could find a way to cure his disease but sadly no, he ended up to lives on Mars together with his father, Tulsa and Kendra live on Earth. Just same goes to the title of the movie "The Space Between Us".

But all of these are just self opinions, no offense.

But what I really like the most was Gardner asked every single person while he arrived on Earth, "What's your favourite thing about Earth?". I really love this question, seems simple but what is your actual answer? I have a lots of favourite things on Earth, I guess. From the smell of land after rain to the very little things, I have no actual answer as well. Earth, is just amazing.

The movie soundtrack "Smallest Light" by Ingrid Michaelson was so nice! 

I had high expectations before watching this but overall I would rate for 5/10.

Break my heart
Break my hands
You can take anything but my plans
I got big things to do

You can laugh
Have your fun
I'll be standing right here when you're done
I got big things to do

Just because you do not see us
Does not mean that we do not exist
Sometimes the smallest light
Shines so bright




Don't feel like watching it when I first saw this. Thinking that why don't I give it a try since it's a boring day.

Justin Timberlake as Branch, a paranoid, disgruntled Troll survivalist. He was so grey and depressed when you first saw him, no colours, no smile on his face, no music, no singing, no dancing and no hug. Branch refuses to sing because, as a child, he caused his grandmother to be killed after Chef found him because of his singing, and blamed himself since, causing his colour to turn from blue to grey. When the other trolls started to sing "Total Eclipse of The Heart" gave me goosebumps! I really love the scene when all the Trolls were captured and soon to be eaten, Poppy loses hope as she and all the other Trolls turn grey. Branch sings for Poppy to cheer her up, and confesses his love for her through the song "True Colors", much to Poppy's surprise and together they restore the colors of all of the Trolls, including Branch himself. Touched and warmed, music really can heals your soul. Justin Timberlake's voice was lit when he started to sing the first word of "True Colors"! Goosebumps everywhere!

Anna Kendrick as Princess Poppy, the princess of the Trolls. She was an extremely happy and optimistic troll, pink in colour, loves music, loves singing, loves dancing, loves hugs. A real brave troll which rescued her friends who've been captured by the Bergen Chef. Always love Anna Kendrick's singing since "The Pitch Perfect", she has a real good voice and what surprised me was she sings so good in the song "Get Back Up Again"! So energetic and motivates!

I always love musical genre movies, all the songs from Trolls were so good! Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick's version of "True Colours" (Film version), I'm sorry but I have to say I think it's better than Cyndi Lauper's original version!

I was so regret but not until I've watched this movie. Don't ever judge a movie by its poster, 'cause this is seriously so good! I would definitely rate 7.5/10 for this!

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow.

I'm not giving up today
There's nothing getting in my way
And if you knock-knock me over
I will get back up again

If something goes a little wrong
Well, you can go ahead and bring it on
'Cause if you knock-knock me over,
I will get back up again.


The Good Dinosaur

Been hearing this was highly recommended by everyone, so after so long, I decided and finally watching this.

Luckily for young Arlo, his parents and his two siblings, the mighty dinosaurs were not wiped out 65 million years ago. When a rainstorm washes poor Arlo downriver, he ends up bruised, battered and miles away from home. Good fortune shines on the frightened dino when he meets Spot, a Neanderthal boy who offers his help and friendship. Together, the unlikely duo embark on an epic adventure to reunite Arlo with his beloved family.

A warm hearted movie about a dinosaur named Arlo, his timid nature makes tasks difficult for him. Henry attempts to give Arlo a sense of purpose by putting him in charge of guarding their silo, and helps him set a trap. It captures a feral cave boy (Spot), but Arlo doesn't have the heart to kill him, and sets him free.

They went through thick and thin, ups and downs together while travelling the way to home. They've met troubles but helped and protected each other.

And finally, Arlo learned to be braver after all those disasters and problems he'd met.

Love and warm were showed strongly in this movie.

This deserves a 6.5/10!

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar



Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saimdang, Light's Diary 师任堂,光的日记 사임당, 빛의 일기

I was so excited when I first saw this drama released!

The story began 20 years ago in Joseon era. At that time, despite her tender age, Shin Saimdang quickly gained her reputation as a talented artist and a notoriously daring girl, going as far as climbing walls to sneak into other people's house. She was the second daughter of Shin Myung Hwa, a Confucian scholar who was loyal to King Jung Jong. Jung Jong was portrayed as a paranoid King, fearing of losing his throne, and losing control of government to factions.

Saimdang met and fell in love with Lee Gyeom, a member of the royal family, but enjoying the life of a commoner and an artist as well. Their love quickly blossomed, and Lee Gyeom asked Shin Myung Hwa for his daughter's marriage. However, a series of mishap events, both from the king and the main antagonists Min Chi Hyung (a corrupt merchant) and Choi Wheiumdang (originally a tavern girl, being jealous with Saimdang for being loved by Lee Gyeom, drove Saimdang to her misery), resulted in Shin Myung Hwa being killed by the king and Saimdang marrying a scholar named Lee Won Su. In despair, Lee Gyeom broke away and lived the wandering life for 20 years, rejecting numerous requests for marriage from the royal family.

Song Seung Heon as Lee Gyeom, Saimdang's lover, an aristocrat and painter with a carefree spirit. Lee Gyeom's love towards Saimdang was my favourite part in the whole drama. His caring, loving and protecting for Saimdang are just eternal. He doesn't care if Saimdang is married. His love for her is just endless. My last impression towards Song Seung Heon was in the drama back in year 2000, "Endless Love: Autumn in My Heart". After 17 years long, here comes another drama of his that I watched!

Lee Young Ae as Shin Saimdang, a Joseon artist, calligrapher and philosopher. Saimdang's love for Lee Gyeom was also eternal. She married another man just for saving Lee Gyeom's life even though she has strong feelings towards him. It was really sad when Saimdang's husband have an affair but she bears all these emotions alone, not knowing by Lee Gyeom. Lee Young Ae is finally back after a long 14 years, after her hit drama, "Jewel in The Palace - Dae Jang Geum". She doesn't even look old in a bit after so long! Still, her acting is superb!

A beautiful but broken hearted love story, Saimdang finally confessed her love for Lee Gyeom, but chose not to run with him for the sake of her family. After a tearful farewell to Saimdang, Lee Gyeom then head to a ship, and a long voyage led him to settle at Tuscany, Italy. Lee Gyeom maintained his artistic talent in Italy, maintaining a building named Siesta De Luna where he stored his artistic works regarding his miss towards Saimdang.

Really love all the artworks, the calligraphies, and the poems in the drama. So artistic, real beauties. A recommended drama!

"Back in The Day" by Hyemi (Fiestar) is my favourite OST among all. "Close To You" by The One and "Everlasting Love" by Lee Soo (MC The Max) are so good as well!

你就按照你的方式去生活,就像现在一样。如果那是你选择的路,那就继续走吧,但我会一直站在能看得见你的地方。你不回应我也没有关系,就算我们走的道路永远都是不能相遇的平行线, 我也愿意陪你慢慢走完余生。凭着这份记忆, 就足以让我支撑一辈子了。

- 李岒 《师任堂:光的日记》

알아요 알아요 이게 사랑이란 걸
그토록 나 기다려왔던 그댄거죠
한걸음 한걸음 조금씩 다가갈게요
더 이상 멀어지지 마요
내 맘을 들어줘요

I know, I know, this is love
I’ve waited for you for so long
Step by step, I’ll slowly go to you
Don’t get any farther
Listen to my heart



Thursday, May 4, 2017

Issues - Julia Michaels // Cover by Phyllis Lim

First heard "Issues" was covered by Sam Tsui. Listen to the original version by Julia Michaels was a huge difference for sure. Really like this song, decided to cover it.

"Issues" is a song about a relationship between people who have "issues," love each other enough to work past them.

I got issues, and one of them is how bad I need you.

Had so much fun while singing on this! Hope you enjoy! Please show me your love and support, give me a thumbs up, share and subscribe! More music covers coming soon!

Love, PLSY.

'Cause I got issues, but you got 'em too
So give 'em all to me and I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory, of all our problems
'Cause we got the kind of love it takes to solve 'em
Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need you
