Sunday, July 30, 2017


The inhabitants of the small Polynesian island of Motunui, regard the island goddess Te Fiti as the one who brought life to the ocean. A small pounamu stone that serves as her mystical heart is stolen by Maui, the shape-shifting demigod of the wind and sea, who hopes to possess the power of creation itself. As Maui makes his escape, he is attacked by Te Kā, a lava demon of Earth and fire, causing his power-granting magical fishhook and the heart of Te Fiti to be lost in the ocean.

A millennium later, Moana, daughter and heir of the chief of Motunui's inhabitants, is chosen by the ocean to receive the heart, but drops it when her father, Tui, comes to get her. He insists the island provides everything the villagers need. Years later, a blight strikes the island as fish become scarce and the island's vegetation begins dying. Moana proposes going beyond the reef to find more fish. Tui, who lost his best friend when the two of them once attempted to venture past the reef as young men, rejects her idea, reminding her that sailing past the reef is forbidden. Moana continues her daily routines as chief-in-training with her pet pig Pua.

Moana and Pua decide they are going to try and sail beyond the reef. They become shipwrecked and both almost drown. When Moana's grandmother Tala finds them she shows Moana a secret cave behind a waterfall where she finds boats inside and discovers her ancestors were voyagers, sailing and discovering new islands across the world. Tala explains that they stopped voyaging because Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti, causing monsters to appear in the ocean. Tala then says Te Kā's darkness has been spreading from island to island, slowly killing them. Tala explains that the blight can be cured only if Maui returns the heart to Te Fiti. Tala gives the heart of Te Fiti to Moana, which she had recovered after Moana dropped it.

Tala falls ill, and with her dying breaths, tells Moana to set sail, find Maui, and make him return the heart to Te Fiti. Moana and her pet rooster, Heihei, depart in a camakau to find Maui. A manta ray, Tala's reincarnation, follows. After a typhoon wave flips her sailboat and knocks her unconscious, she awakens the next morning on an island inhabited by Maui, who traps her in a cave and takes her sailboat to search for his fishhook. After escaping and catching up to Maui, Moana tries to convince him to return the heart, but Maui refuses, fearing its power will attract dark creatures.

Diminutive pirates wearing coconut armor called Kakamora surround the boat and steal the heart, but Moana and Maui retrieve it. Maui agrees to help return the heart, but only after he reclaims his hook, which is hidden in Lalotai, the Realm of Monsters. At Lalotai, they meet Tamatoa, a giant coconut crab who collects rare sea treasures. Moana and Maui plan to retrieve Maui's fish hook, which Tamatoa had collected from the seabed after he lost it, by using Moana as live bait while Maui sneaks up and retrieves his fish hook; however, upon retrieving the hook, Maui is no longer able to shape-shift well after not using the hook for so long, and is ultimately caught. Tamatoa joyfully overpowers and defeats Maui, claiming that he will never beat him. Moana then uses a disguised barnacle to trick Tamatoa by pretending it is the heart of Te Fiti, and the two escape Tamatoa with Maui's hook. Maui teaches Moana how to properly sail and navigate. They arrive at Te Fiti, where Te Kā attacks. Maui is overpowered and Te Kā badly cracks his hook and repels their boat far out to sea. Finally having enough of Moana's meddling and fearful that returning to fight Te Kā will destroy his hook, an angry Maui abandons her.

Distraught, Moana begs the ocean to take the heart and choose another person to return it to Te Fiti. The spirit of Tala comes to her and encourages Moana to find her true calling within herself. Inspired, Moana retrieves the heart and returns to Te Fiti alone. Maui, having had a change of heart, returns and distracts the lava demon, but his hook is destroyed in the battle. Realizing that Te Kā is a corrupted Te Fiti without her heart, Moana asks the ocean to clear a path for Te Kā to approach her. Moana then sings a song to help Te Kā remember who she truly is, and she allows Moana to restore her heart. Te Fiti returns and gives a new boat to Moana and a new magical fishhook to Maui before returning to her island form.

Moana bids farewell to Maui and returns to her recovering island with Heihei. Later, the villagers, Pua, Heihei, and Moana (who becomes their new chief) begin voyaging and set sail in search of new islands, as Maui and Tala accompany them in their giant hawk and manta ray forms, respectively.

In a post-credits scene, Tamatoa, who has been stranded on his back during Moana and Maui's escape, tells the audience they would help him if he was a Jamaican crab named Sebastian.

I really love Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)! This collaboration was so great! Dwayne Johnson was really born for this character!


See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
And no one knows, how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go



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