Sunday, July 30, 2017


The inhabitants of the small Polynesian island of Motunui, regard the island goddess Te Fiti as the one who brought life to the ocean. A small pounamu stone that serves as her mystical heart is stolen by Maui, the shape-shifting demigod of the wind and sea, who hopes to possess the power of creation itself. As Maui makes his escape, he is attacked by Te Kā, a lava demon of Earth and fire, causing his power-granting magical fishhook and the heart of Te Fiti to be lost in the ocean.

A millennium later, Moana, daughter and heir of the chief of Motunui's inhabitants, is chosen by the ocean to receive the heart, but drops it when her father, Tui, comes to get her. He insists the island provides everything the villagers need. Years later, a blight strikes the island as fish become scarce and the island's vegetation begins dying. Moana proposes going beyond the reef to find more fish. Tui, who lost his best friend when the two of them once attempted to venture past the reef as young men, rejects her idea, reminding her that sailing past the reef is forbidden. Moana continues her daily routines as chief-in-training with her pet pig Pua.

Moana and Pua decide they are going to try and sail beyond the reef. They become shipwrecked and both almost drown. When Moana's grandmother Tala finds them she shows Moana a secret cave behind a waterfall where she finds boats inside and discovers her ancestors were voyagers, sailing and discovering new islands across the world. Tala explains that they stopped voyaging because Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti, causing monsters to appear in the ocean. Tala then says Te Kā's darkness has been spreading from island to island, slowly killing them. Tala explains that the blight can be cured only if Maui returns the heart to Te Fiti. Tala gives the heart of Te Fiti to Moana, which she had recovered after Moana dropped it.

Tala falls ill, and with her dying breaths, tells Moana to set sail, find Maui, and make him return the heart to Te Fiti. Moana and her pet rooster, Heihei, depart in a camakau to find Maui. A manta ray, Tala's reincarnation, follows. After a typhoon wave flips her sailboat and knocks her unconscious, she awakens the next morning on an island inhabited by Maui, who traps her in a cave and takes her sailboat to search for his fishhook. After escaping and catching up to Maui, Moana tries to convince him to return the heart, but Maui refuses, fearing its power will attract dark creatures.

Diminutive pirates wearing coconut armor called Kakamora surround the boat and steal the heart, but Moana and Maui retrieve it. Maui agrees to help return the heart, but only after he reclaims his hook, which is hidden in Lalotai, the Realm of Monsters. At Lalotai, they meet Tamatoa, a giant coconut crab who collects rare sea treasures. Moana and Maui plan to retrieve Maui's fish hook, which Tamatoa had collected from the seabed after he lost it, by using Moana as live bait while Maui sneaks up and retrieves his fish hook; however, upon retrieving the hook, Maui is no longer able to shape-shift well after not using the hook for so long, and is ultimately caught. Tamatoa joyfully overpowers and defeats Maui, claiming that he will never beat him. Moana then uses a disguised barnacle to trick Tamatoa by pretending it is the heart of Te Fiti, and the two escape Tamatoa with Maui's hook. Maui teaches Moana how to properly sail and navigate. They arrive at Te Fiti, where Te Kā attacks. Maui is overpowered and Te Kā badly cracks his hook and repels their boat far out to sea. Finally having enough of Moana's meddling and fearful that returning to fight Te Kā will destroy his hook, an angry Maui abandons her.

Distraught, Moana begs the ocean to take the heart and choose another person to return it to Te Fiti. The spirit of Tala comes to her and encourages Moana to find her true calling within herself. Inspired, Moana retrieves the heart and returns to Te Fiti alone. Maui, having had a change of heart, returns and distracts the lava demon, but his hook is destroyed in the battle. Realizing that Te Kā is a corrupted Te Fiti without her heart, Moana asks the ocean to clear a path for Te Kā to approach her. Moana then sings a song to help Te Kā remember who she truly is, and she allows Moana to restore her heart. Te Fiti returns and gives a new boat to Moana and a new magical fishhook to Maui before returning to her island form.

Moana bids farewell to Maui and returns to her recovering island with Heihei. Later, the villagers, Pua, Heihei, and Moana (who becomes their new chief) begin voyaging and set sail in search of new islands, as Maui and Tala accompany them in their giant hawk and manta ray forms, respectively.

In a post-credits scene, Tamatoa, who has been stranded on his back during Moana and Maui's escape, tells the audience they would help him if he was a Jamaican crab named Sebastian.

I really love Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)! This collaboration was so great! Dwayne Johnson was really born for this character!


See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
And no one knows, how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go



Friday, July 14, 2017



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Sunday, July 9, 2017

Three Colour Fantasy: The Universe's Star 三色幻想:宇宙之星 세가지 색 판타지: 우주의 별이

Just done with "Missing 9" yesterday, and I've just spent one short day to finish this cute, romantic and heart breaking mini series.

EXO-L, scream! Here's our leader Suho, Kim Jun Myeon! Woo Joo, a gifted singer-songwriter, you may not like his attitude in the first few episodes but when it came to the middle part, where he started to falling for Byul, a 19-year-old student who becomes the Grim Reaper after dying in an accident, played by Ji Woo, you'll find he is such a sweet and romantic guy! 

Here is our leader, EXO-L, he is actually really really handsome in this series! His smile, sweetness, cuteness and handsomeness are everything you can't resist! Suho 오빠 had definitely make me like him more in this series!

Isn't this every girls' dream? Both of them look so good! God, please, I'm hoping to meet my Woo Joo too one day!

And of course, we've got our leader, Suho with his favourite bunny! Beware, cuteness overload!

When it comes to Suho with kids, it's the best things you'll see in a day. If you had a tough day, check out some photos or GIF with Suho and kids, I swear this is going to brighten up your day!

A handsome, young father with his unconditional and eternally loves, what else better than this?

Byul protects Woo Joo from any dangers just to stop him from death. In the end, Byul still had to leave forever and this family photo and all the good memories are what had left in the heart forever. Even though Byul had left, but her love is eternity. 

"I know that the morning comes, it seems like the stars are leaving but they’re still there. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s gone."

This series really reflects how an idol and fans feel towards each other. As a fangirl, it really made me in teary eyed when I saw the conversations between Woo Joo and Byul, 'cause I think that's what idols wanted to tell their fans and what fans wanted to tell their idols.

"The stars in the sky are as pretty as the glow sticks at the stadium. It looks just like that right before you show up."

"Sometimes I imagine, those stars fading one by one, I'd be left alone in the dark again. If you think about it, it's only natural. To be honest, you never know when they'll change their mind."

"We're not watching you to see how well you do. We just watch you. Just like looking up at the stars while going through a hard time. When you shine, it feels like my gloomy days brighten up, too, even for a short moment. No matter how exhausted I've been, I become better. Whatever I'm going through, I can go on, thanks to you. Being a light for someone else is not something everyone can do. You only live once, and I think you're doing a pretty good job. So, when you're exhausted, it's okay to stop shining for a while. You don't have to try to shine all the time."

So, don't be afraid and don't worry, we will always be there to protect you and love you forever! 지켜줄게 영원히 사랑해 ❤ WE ARE ONE.

Of course, the OST was sung by our dearest leader, Suho ft. Remi, "Starlight 낮에 뜨는 별" was an awesome OST, it's like Suho himself sings for all his fans! "The Moment I First Saw 처음 본 순간" by Remi was so nice as well! When Byul sings in the series, it was so good! And one of the songs from the series, even though it's not included in the OST but it made me feel so emotional while watching the scene where Woo Joo been stabbed by the male fan, it's called "Farewell Ahead 이별 앞으로" by Autumn Vacation 가을방학. So sad that I couldn't find it on Spotify or wherever else.

낮에 뜨는 별 널 지키는 별
보이지 않아도 보이지 않아도
낮에 뜨는 별 난 널 지키는 별
보이지 않아도 다 보이지 않아도

A star that rises during the day
A star that protects you
Even if you can not see it
Even if you can not see it
A star that rises during the day
A star that protects you
Even if you can not see it
Even if you can not see anything

처음 본 순간
한눈에 알아볼 수 있어
어쩐지 오랜 시간을
함께 해 온 것처럼
너와 나 지금 이대로 함께 해
가장 빛나는 순간
나는 네게 끌린다
너를 처음 본 순간

The moment I first saw you
I recognized you right away
As if we were together for a long time
You and I, just like this, we’re together
The moment that shines the most
I am attracted to you
The moment I first saw you



Saturday, July 8, 2017

Missing 9 미씽나인

I really thought this was a super serious, mystery and thrill kind of drama at first but it actually combined with lots of funny scenes, so it won't be that thrill!

A plane that carries 47 passengers unexpectedly crashed and caused a widespread panic in South Korea due to also carrying 9 influential figures in the entertainment industry on board. They are personnel of the company, Legend Entertainment; celebrities Seo Joon Oh, Choi Tae Ho, Lee Yeol, Ha Ji Ah, Yoon Soo Hee, President Hwang Jae Guk, Secretary Tae Ho Hang, Manager Jung Ki Joon and Stylist Ra Bong Hee. After 4 whole months, Bong Hee found herself unconscious by the sea in China, where she was successfully rescued and is the first survivor of the plane crash found. She was subsequently transported back to South Korea, where she had to provide limited aid to Investigation Commission of the plane crash incident due to her short-term memory loss. During the period of time when Bong Hee tries to regain her memory, almost all of the 9 people return to South Korea successfully, turning out to have survived the plane crash as well. However, Bong Hee and the rest have to now fight against one of the survivors who is responsible for the murders that occurred back in the island the survivors were living on and also the Head of the Investigation Commission, Jo Hee Kyung, who is only concerned about public sentiment instead of the truth.

Jung Kyung Ho as Seo Joon Oh, the last survivor who returns, a celebrity who is going through hard times after being accused of DUI and instigating a fellow colleague to commit suicide. He was once a leader of a popular idol band, Dreamers, but is now reduced to being a D-list fringe celebrity. Although he acts very bratty and spoiled, he turns out to have more love and forgiveness in his heart than anyone. First time saw his acting, I have to admit, he is the funniest person in the drama! He really brought so much joy and laughter no matter in serious scenes or funny scenes, he just made this drama not that tense while watching. Even though he hated Bong Hee so much at the first, but after what had been through, he showed his unconditional loves towards Bong Hee.

Baek Jin Hee as Ra Bong Hee, the first survivor who returns, Joon Oh's new stylist, who left her hometown to pursue her dreams in Seoul. Her first day working ends up in a plane crash and being stranded on an uninhabited island. While living on the island, she proves herself to have good survival skills and often feels responsible for others. After four months, she ends up becoming known as the only survivor and sole witness to the events surrounding the accident. She is a really sweet and kind girl! The first impressions she gave me are sweet, pretty and cute! She is a very kind-hearted girl in the drama, no matter how bad the surroundings or conditions are, she is the first one who always lend a hand to the others. When there were no one who believe in Joon Oh, she was the one who believed and trusted him from the beginning till the very end. I am so impressed by her crying skills! I really love her acting! Looking forward for her more dramas!

Park Chan Yeol as Lee Yeol, he was the drummer and the visual of the band Dreamer. After the disbandment of the band, he developed his composition skills and succeeded as a solo artist. He is known as being kind and friendly and is able to display his strength during the tense and desperate times while surviving on the island. He was murdered by Tae Ho. My one big reason to watch "Missing 9" is because I'm an EXO-L, I decided to watch this cause Chan Yeol is here! But I didn't expect he'll die in just 5 episodes! His cuteness, kindness really are the best of his but unfortunately, his over-kindness killed him. Being an EXO-L, I know how the other EXO-L feel, I was so sad and cried so hard when Lee Yeol died! Chan Yeol, please act more, I'm so in love with the rapper's acting!

Choi Tae Joon as Choi Tae Ho, the third survivor who returns, he was the bassist of the band Dreamers. After the disbandment, he became an actor and successfully climbed back to the peak of his career with a good and clean image. He was perceived as a rival by Joon Oh and was Ji Ah's secret lover. Unknown to the public, he actually needed someone to sing for him during his days in Dreamer. He reveals a hidden side of himself while surviving on the island. He was involved in the murders that occurred on the island. My first impression of him was handsome, I really have to admit this but his character really made me clench my fist, he was so so bad but yet handsome. Saw him played a role in the new drama "Suspicious Partner", with my favourite Korean male actor Ji Chang Wook, really looking forward to that, and I hope he played a good guy this time, so I can really love him! In the finale of the drama, he finally realized what he'd done wrong and everyone forgave him after he came out from the prison. Real warm and teary eyed to saw that!

"When My Loneliness Calls You 나의 외로움이 널 부를 때" by one of my favourite OST queens, Punch and being an EXO-L, a fangirl of EXO, "I'm Not Okay 안녕 못해" by EXO C-Hen is the OST you couldn't miss!

그늘진 너의 얼굴이
다시 내게 돌아올 수
없는 걸 알고 있지만
가끔씩 오늘 같은 날
외로움이 널 부를 땐
내 마음속에 조용히 찾아와줘

Your shadowed face
I know you can’t ever come back to me
But sometimes, on a day like today
When loneliness calls out to you
Quietly come into my heart

안녕 못해 잘 지내지 못해
맘 한쪽에 널 데리고 사는 나
행복할 리가 없잖아
괜찮을 리가 없잖아
왜 모르니
미안한 얘기지만
좋지 못해 마냥 웃진 못해
너 땜에 날 떠난 네 생각에
살아있긴 하지만
사는 것 같지 않은 나야

I’m not okay, I’m not well
I still have you in a corner of my heart
There’s no way I can be happy
There’s no way I can be alright
Why don’t you know?
I’m sorry to say but
I’m not good, I can’t just smile
Because of you, because of you leaving me
I’m alive but I’m not living
