Thursday, June 25, 2015

Siblings' Night

Cousin Tracy in the house, cousin Tracy in the town! Woke up early this morning. Get prepared cause I want to be the peak of fashion. Hair curled last night, clothes changed. A plan for whole day shopping, eating and karaoke! Can't wait for it! Reached Suria, went to Upperstar for our brunch. Baked chicken pasta and café latte. Satisfied. Straight away went to karaoke for 3 hours. Lots of lots of songs to sing! Recorded a video for my recently favourite song. 《想说》by GJ 蒋卓嘉。 Will post it if it is allowed. Been crazy singing, screaming and shouting out loud in the karaoke box. Just sing it, scream it and shout it out loud like no one cares!

Time's up! Karaoke done. Shopping time. Boutiques, bookstore and etc. It's getting late after done shopping. Planned for movie but cancelled, because for sure will end up till very late. So, went for dinner after done shopping. Hello again Japanese food! Hello sushi! It's been so long since I had my last Japanese food. Eat till the max!

My mama she told me don't worry about your size, so, just eat tonight! Sushi Zan Mai, green tea, curry udon, beef rolled mushrooms, salmon and salmon roe sushi and the most delicious one, spider roll! With soft shell crab, avocado and etc. ingredients that added up together, it's just so delicious! Besides tuna mayo, this is another food heaven! Photos for sure. Polaroids.

Girls' talk done, dinner done, photos done. It's time to go home again. While waiting for dad, photo again for sure. Shop for another while, sitting for some rest.

Till we reached home, had a good shower, had a long long long chat. Girls' talk again for sure. Thanks God for today, it's a wonderful and perfect day. Everything just goes well and perfect just as what we'd planned for. No Murphy's Law 莫非定律, anything that can go wrong it didn't goes wrong, guess that we've got a "Murphy's Haven" or “莫非避难所” here between the 3 of us.

拥抱安慰全都别客气, 需要多少都给妳 永远无限量供给
让我陪妳 一起哭泣 一起叹息, 难过起来更有力气
倾听守护全都别客气, 需要多久都陪妳 直到妳又开了心
让我陪妳, 再大的雨 也都会停 总会云淡风轻


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