Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hello, it's us! This little cutie pie was so resist to play with me but lastly, I got a photo with him!

Oh Mr. Sun Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me

Oh Mr. Sun Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Hidding behind the tree

These little children are asking you
So please come out so we can play with you

Oh Mr. Sun Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me


Friday, January 29, 2016








黄致列 황치열《一路上有你》

黄致列 황치열《一路上有你》








Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ola Bola - Arena Cahaya

It's Ola Bola official premiere! Decided to do a short cover of the song from the movie.
Arena Cahaya - Part 1 by Zee Avi
Arena Cahaya - Part 2 by Zee Avi
Why is the flag of Malaysia is on the left of jersey?
It is because the nation is always in our heart. ❤️
Mengapa bendera negara Malaysia berada di sebelah kiri jersi?
Ianya supaya negara sentiasa berada di dalam hati kita. ❤️
Walau dunia menjadi gelap gelita
Pegang dengan penuh percaya
Kepada mimpi kita
Suara harapan jadikan ia pelita
Semaikan erti cahaya
Kepada nilai cinta
Apakah maksud hidup tanpa pelbagai suasana?
Apakah maksud hidup tanpa pelbagai suasana?
Lift your dreams way up high
Lift your goals to the sky
Restui mimpi yang sejati
Di arena cahaya
Keindahan jiwa terselah pabila kita
Merintangi cabaran masa
Dengan kesabaran cinta
Ingatlah teman senyuman dan warna kita
Itulah kunci ke jalan
Dunia kita impikan
Apakah maksud hidup tanpa pelbagai suasana?
Apakah maksud hidup tanpa pelbagai suasana?
Lift your dreams way up high
Lift your goals to the sky
Warnai bintang dicakerawalamu
Di arena cahaya

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Stand By You

Great catch up after so long! Had a bunch of topics to talk with! No awkward but still laugh and talk like those days at school! When we were young.
While waiting for Ivy, did some important stuff before heading to bookstore. On the way to bookstore, something we didn't expected just happened and it really did terrified us out. Don't care, just continue our book shopping! A book I want so bad, 'Travelling to Infinity' by Jane Hawking. A true story behind 'The Theory of Everything'. I will get it next time when go for another book shopping!
Lunch! Sushi ZanMai! The lunch was so so good! The 3 of us ate until so full. Satisfied. Yum. Spider-roll is a must!

Chit-chat and coffee before go home. Starbucks coffee, long chit and chat for almost 2 hours. Shop for a while before head back home.
Great day to spent with these girls! Great catch up! See you girls soon!
If your wings are broken,
Borrow mine 'til yours can open, too.
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you.

Friday, January 22, 2016

黄致列 황치열《从开始到现在》

黄致列 황치열《从开始到现在》







Friday, January 15, 2016

黄致列 황치열《那个人》

黄致列 황치열《那个人》

人生中,总有《那个人》出现在你生命里,但最终没有和你走到一起,正如这­­一曲充满韩剧气质忧郁感性的虐恋情歌, 黄致列通过复合式的馥郁嗓音,将那份深刻到骨子里去的情感渲染酣畅淋漓,他的歌是极端的,极­­端治愈却又极端恸人。








《失落沙洲》透过耳朵沁入心肺,唱作精灵徐佳瑩 制造悦耳旋律的天赋表露无疑,开口嫩滑爽口的浅吟低唱,哀而不怨,悲而不伤的情绪丝丝­入耳,在钢琴弦乐为主的编曲里,徐佳莹独树一帜半冷半暖,半内敛半放纵的情愫归总于中。这一次亮相,她让我们看见,只听唱,已没人能拒绝她了。





Friday, January 1, 2016


Peter Pan said, "Just think of happy thoughts and you'll fly.". Of course with a little pixie dust.

A brand new year, a brand new me. Just think of happy thoughts and I'll fly. The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. That's what Peter Pan taught me, flying without wings.

2016, I do believe in miracles, I do believe in fairy tales, I do believe in fantasy, I do believe in infinity dreams.

The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings. 

Target for 2K16, dream big, work hard, success.

I still believe in Peter Pan, even though I didn't open my window every night for you to come, but I'll always be waiting for you.

Dear Peter Pan,

I've left my window open

Please come rescue me


The Lost Girl

When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
It's a very simple plan
You can do what the birdies can
At least it's worth a try
You can fly! You can fly!
You can fly! You can fly!

2K16, fly with me.
