Thursday, February 19, 2015

The First Day of Chinese New Year 年初一

First day of Chinese New Year!

Woke up early today,
Dressed up,
The pretty cool shoes,
Done prepared.

Breakfast with family before heading to aunt's house.
Chinese New Year's songs all the way.
Reached aunt's house,
Met up with uncle, aunt and 2 little cutie cousins.

Grandpa, grandma and uncle came for a visit too.
Snacks, drinks, 
Chit-chat, laughter,
Little cousin Xin Hui was super cool,
Karaoke with her dad,
Love song! 

After visited aunt's house,
Heading to uncle's house again.
Snacks, drinks,
Chit-chat, laughter for sure!

Photos again with the cousins!
And what made me shocked was,
The kids were watching horror movies during Chinese New Year!
And underage! How can they watched like nothing?!
I admitted, I'm not that brave.

Snacks, drinks, chit-chat, music, singing,
Photos and laughter with the cousins!
Another photo session with cousins!
Playing ukulele while taking photos,
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.
Taking photos with patterns all the way.
Crazy faces, pretty faces,
Playful, funny,
Feeling great.

Dinner with the big family.
Foods, super duper great.
Chit-chat and jokes around the dining room.
Funny videos, music.

Karaoke was just outside the living room!
Oh my gosh! They're calling me out!
No! I'm not that confident yet!
Hokkien songs!
I hadn't listened to Hokkien songs for ages!

Fortunately, little cousin Xin Hui sang with her dad again!
Thank you little cousin!
You're so brave!
And the duet was awesome!
Everyone turns to see!

And the most memorable moment was,
The Chinese New Year's song!
When it plays, every kids knew how to sing!
They don't even need microphone,
Their voices beat the microphone!

Everyone gathered around the living room,
Singing, dancing together.
Like a choir,
Happy voices, happy faces.
Happiness all around the house!
Videos, photos,
It's time to upload this happy moment!

And of course I did sang a few songs.
Chinese New Year's songs.
Thank you all the little cousins who sang with me together!
Kinda embarrassed,
But it's ok,
Happy moment singing together!
Thank you for the compliments too!
Even though I don't think all of you can hear my voice,
But, oh, you can.
Thank you for the compliments once again!

The 96's catch up again!
Talking about songs this time.
Magic Power's songs,
Eason's songs.
Music and movie with the 96's.

Karaoke done.
Movie time!
Re-watch GeMeiLia 2014,
Saw my favourite idols again!
Fuying and Melvin! 
Lots of love!

And of course,
Photos again with the beloved cousin!
Tiring day! Look at our sleepy eyes!
Eye bags!

Lots of photos to share,
Lots of memories to keep.

Tomorrow is a new challenging day again!
We are the survivors,
Keep the faith and let's do this!




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