Thursday, September 24, 2015

4 Days & 3 Nights

4 days 3 nights trip to Miri, Sarawak. Had dim sum as my breakfast in the car, feeling dizzy again, not feeling well. Planned to watch some movies while the long long road trip, but ended up slept in the car because of the dizziness that killing me.

Bam! This is the first time we arrived so early! About 2.30pm, finally reached! Since we started from home about 6.00am. The first thing! Went to a local shop to had some local desserts and snacks! Ice kacang or red bean ice in the super hot and hazy weather. Another short road trip to the town.

Dad's birthday today! Happy birthday dad! A simple dinner celebration and of course the birthday card that I made which I think is so good and so nice, the card with Luis Suárez on it, since he is dad's favourite footballer. Tiring day, had a little chat and joke with brother before going to bed, had a good but not too good sleep.

Rise and shine! 2nd day! After a wonderful breakfast, had another short road trip with family again. Spent time in the car with music all the way. Not much activities, just road trip, had local desserts at the same place again and spent time on movies with brother in the hotel. "Café. Waiting. Love", a Taiwanese romantic comedy, which brother said I made him don't want to do his revision and spent time watching it. Okay, my fault again? Fine. Dinner! No shower yet, went to grocery for some shopping, shop for snacks for sure! Had dinner with sis, cousin and sis's friends. 2nd day, well spent.

3rd day! Breakfast was quite good I can say that. Went to grocery stores again. And this time, went to another stall for local desserts. But I prefer that shop that we went for 2 days, that's much better. Back to hotel for some rest, spent time on my novel and snacks a whole afternoon. Well spent I think. A little rest, a little out of reality, in the world of the fiction, in the world of the story. Feeling good. After pick up sis, dinner time again! Done dinner, back to hotel, bags all packed make sure you remember everything. Feel so tired, had a good good sleep.

4th day! It's time to go home! I can't wait actually! I miss my home, my bed so bad. Woke up early today, I think 5.30am if I'm not mistaken. Done prepared, breakfast at the same place again on the 2nd day. Curry noodles this time, it was so good! Slept all the way in the car. Had a late lunch and finally reached home at 5.00pm! Had a wonderful 4 days and 3 nights!

What's goodbye without a kiss?
What's a penny without a wish?
What's tonight if you're not here to spend it with?


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