Saturday, August 29, 2015


Another short trip to Miri again! Will be back on tomorrow! Comfortable long sleeves shirt today! Music all the way, snacks all the way!

New hotel, a short trip with uncle and family. Good view, good food and good place. 

Manchester City going to play tonight, but unfortunately can't watch it live again. Anyway, c'mon City! 

Short trip was fun though. Happiness all the way.

This' for everybody,
Who've always put me down,
I hope you open up your eyes,
And take a good look at me now.



Thursday, August 27, 2015

Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets! 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 

Wendy in the house today! Spending time for more chit-chat, secrets sharing, friendship bracelets and of course the most important one, The Skittles Challenge! Skittles that we bought yesterday. 

Challenges and the Skittles! 6 in a row! Need to be mention in here, it's the sour Skittles not the original flavour. Imagine 6 in a row, how sour was that could be? Sweetness at first, the sourness coming in the back! Like super sour! But it was super fun though. 

A box of present for Wendy, mostly handmade stuffs, but meaningful (from my thoughts). I like it, hope she likes it too. Anyway, hope she doing fine all the way in Taiwan. All the best and take care out there! May God bless always! 

Loom bands may outdated but who cares? Claim yours when we meet! 

If this is love,
Then love is easy,
It's the easiest thing to do.
If this is love,
Then love completes me,
'Cause it feels like I've been missing you.
A simple equation,
With no complication,
To leave you confused,
If this is love, love, love,
It's the easiest thing to do.



Monday, August 24, 2015


When the long hands in town! Finally catch up with this long lost BFF after ages. Had a little catch up today. Lunch, shop, bookstore, chit-chat and etc. Had a great and long lunch, spaghetti carbonara and tuna club sandwich. Lunch for almost one hour, till the crowd getting more and more and we left.

Walked around  from the B floor to the 8th floor. Currency exchange, watches, mobiles and etc. Went to bookstore for almost one hour as well. Searching for books, wanted to but can't decide which to buy. Electronics, searching for wireless headphones. Grocery, picked up some snacks for the trip on Saturday. Skittles for the Skittles Challenge for this coming Thursday!

Went to the cinema just for the popcorn. Then decided to go for Starbucks and have some coffee and chit-chat. Photos all around! Laughter all around!

Been sharing all the stories, all the stories that we've missed, that we've not meet in all these years. Sharing all the happiness and sadness. All the stories that we've saved for ages and burst it out now. Thank you for always being there with me and I'll always be there with you.

Home! Photos for sure before heading back to home. Have no idea when we going to meet again. But will wait for the next catch up with you! Cheers BFF! 

I got all I need when I got you and I,
I look around me and see a sweet life,
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight,
You're getting me through the night.

Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes,
Can't lie, it's a sweet life,
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight,
You're getting me through the night.



Monday, August 3, 2015


The very first dubsmash video, should I be crazy like this? Who cares? Crazy in the midnight with the crazy cousin! Nothing can stop us to be crazy!

Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground,
Trouble, trouble, trouble.




August is here! 1st of August, spend time for reading in the morning and spend time with family and had a simple dinner. Chit-chat with cousin Melda till midnight. 1st of August, well spent.

2nd August, woke up quite late, breakfast with cousin Melda, had a short chit-chat with mum, sharing recipes. Had a conversation with cousin Melda, and spend time watching 'Master of Destiny' and 'Ghost of Relativity'. 2 very nice dramas. After that, watched 'Someone Like You', what a drama afternoon. 

Mum cooked a lots of delicious dishes yesterday. Cousin Melda, bro and I had dinner together. Jokes, laughter, warmness, feeling great! Music, FIFA, funny moments! And we decided to make bracelets using mum's crystal beads.

Chit-chat, jokes, singing, photos and football match, Arsenal vs. Chelsea while making bracelets. Craziness began to came out while near the midnight.

And we did our very first dubsmash video in the late night! Supper and laughing till exhausted, can't stop laughing while recording the videos. Till today still can't stop laughing when watch it back! Craziness, we don't care! End up our night's activities with chit-chat till cousin Melda fell asleep while listening to my recipes sharing. Okay, that's funny. Had a great time to spend with you! Hope to see you again very soon! Love. ❤

I think that I've found myself a cheerleader,
She is always right there when I need her.