Saturday, October 21, 2017

Live Up to Your Name 名不虚传 명불허전

It's been a while since I last watched Korean drama and I have to highly recommend this!

Heo Im (Kim Nam Gil) is a Joseon doctor of Traditional Korean medicine, working at the clinic for the poor during daytime and earning a fortune by making visits to high-ranking officials' houses at night. He's famous for his excellent acupuncture skills. One day, he falls into a river and travels to the modern day Seoul. There, he runs into Choi Yeon Kyung (Kim Ah Joong), a cardiothoracic fellow surgeon at Shinhae Hospital.

First of all, I really have to praise Kim Nam Gil's acting! He seriously nailed the character, he seriously is a funny and serious actor at the same time! I really like it when he treated his patients in very serious way but while he is not treating patients, he can also be so cute and funny.

Kim Ah Joong, a very pretty actress and her crying skills were boom! I cried along in the last few episodes, with all the emotions Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong brought on screen, it's definitely a worth it!

How can I forget Dong Mak Gae (Moon Ga Young)? She was the female leading role back in "EXO Next Door"! Even though I haven't actually watched the series yet but after 2 years, finally saw her again!

I would definitely recommend this drama, not the actors or actresses that you familiar with but it really worth a try!

You should just remember this, you made my heart beat.

그대는 이것만 기억해주시오
그대로 인해 뛰었던 내심장

ALWAYS 나는 너야
시간이 갈라놓아도

ALWAYS 그대로야 항상
가슴이 아려도
내가 숨 쉬는 이유

I am you
Even if time separates us

I’m always the same
Even if my heart aches
You’re the reason I breathe



Wednesday, October 11, 2017





这一路走来 说不上多辛苦 庆幸心里很清楚
是因为还有 那么一点在乎 才执著这段旅途
这一路走来 还忍得住孤独 一个人聊胜于无
在滚滚浊世 绝不把梦交出 尽管过程多残酷


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ko Ko Bop

These are too cute that I have to post! EXO, THE WAR, Ko Ko Bop! If LAY was here that would be perfect!

Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop I think I like it
긴장은 Down down 부끄러 말고
어지러운 맘속에 내가 들어가
익숙한 듯 부드럽게 네게 번져 가

Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop I think I like it
Don’t be nervous, don’t be shy
I’m entering into your dizzy heart
As if I’m familiar, I’ll softly spread inside
